News and Events

  • 2023.13.06. A paper was presented at the 8th Swiss Text Analytics Conference (SwissText) (organized by University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland):

    • Extracting sentence simplification pairs from French comparable corpora using a two-step filtering method. Ormaechea L. & Tsourakis, N.

  • 2022.11.08. A paper was presented at the 33rd European Summer School in Logic, Language and Computation (ESSLLI) (organized by University of Galway, Ireland), as part of the workshop Bridges and Gaps between Formal and Computational Linguistics:

    • A Tool for Easily Integrating Grammars as Language Models into the Kaldi Speech Recognition Toolkit. Ormaechea, L., Lecouteux, B., Bouillon, P. & Schwab, D.

  • 2022.17.01. A poster presented at the 2nd Advanced Language Processing School (ALPS), co-organized by Université Grenoble-Alpes and Naver Labs Europe:

    • Integrating Grammar-Based Language Models into Domain-Specific ASR Systems. Ormaechea, L.